

Avoid missing 95% of process improvement opportunities

Gluu transforms process engagement, enabling a seamless information flow from the frontline and back. With empowered users and a culture of continuous improvement, Gluu helps you unlock remarkable results. Customers report 10-20x more process improvements.  

The secret sauce is the ability to engage more people in continuous process improvement. Explore some of the capabilities that make this possible ⬇️

Execute Understand
Microsoft Excel
Power BI
Process Cycle Improve

The old, top-down way

Top down

Occassional high-level improvement workshops example:

5 Functions

  • x 2 annual workshops
  • x 2 employees per workshops
  • x 1 improvement per employee
  • 50% of 20 improvements realised

= 10 annual improvements

The new, bottom-up way with Gluu


A regular stream of improvement ideas from the frontline. Assessed and implemented by the right process owners in a closed-loop flow. Example:

5 Processes

  • x 10 annual improvement checks per process
  • x 5 employees per process
  • x 1 improvement per employee
  • 80% of 250 improvements realised

= 200 annual improvements


No more improvement ideas getting lost

Let your business users ask questions and comment on processes and work instructions. Take good ideas through a closed loop discussion and approval process all the way to a new, improved process or SOP version.

Explore Gluu’s Capability to enable process improvement ↗️

Jens Lund

“Gluu is great for making our common business processes relevant for everyone as a reference for how we work.”

Jens O., Enterprise Architect, Information Technology and Services

No more improvement ideas getting lost
Explore Gluu’s Change Suggestion features

Change suggestion flow

Editors can turn comments into change suggestions and handle them in an approval flow before deciding on implementation.


1-click change communications

Automatic change summary and notification by email to the right users.


Agree with and reply to comments

Get input from large groups of people quickly.


Fewer unforeseen consequences from process changes

Every process owner and team member can see how the process is related with other assets, such as systems, bots, work instrutions and standards. This makes it faster to analyze, understand and mitigate risks, when implementing improvement ideas.

“The best process tool that every process owner would wish for”

Anca C., Transition Manager, Oil and Energy

Explore selected features

Process connection maps

Filter to show – and navigate – how processes and activities connect.


Advanced, shared filtering

Create powerful filters to share specific collections with colleagues or in custom overview pages.


Reuse common assets as building blocks

Create a shared repository of e.g. systems, links, legal texts and competencies and reuse these components across all work instructions.


A system that supports business process management

Gluu offers process owners the function of adding assets directly to work instrutions for an easier and more accurate maintenance. This results in more valid, structural, and updated information of which and how any assets are used.

Jacob Lund

“With the Gluu platform, we are able to find new improvement opportunities, as it is easier to understand and optimise our cross-functional processes from initial order taking all the way through to production.” Read case

Jakob Lund,
Factory Manager

A system that supports business process managementA system that supports business process managementA system that supports business process managementA system that supports business process managementA system that supports business process managementA system that supports business process managementA system that supports business process management

Explore Gluu’s Capability to implement end-to-end governance ↗️

Explore some Enterprise Architecture tools

Import processes

Copy/paste multiple processes to Gluu for quick transfer.

Automatic process numbering

Define your numbering system and let Gluu manage 5-level numbering automatically.


Reuse common assets as building blocks

Create a shared repository of e.g. systems, links, legal texts and competencies and reuse these components across all work instructions.

Avoid process health being disconnected from management reporting

Gluu’s powerful API makes all your data available for use in BI tools such as PowerBI and Datastudio. This makes it easy to show how processes, instrutions and tasks are performing as part of dashboards.

Explore Gluu’s API & Integrations ↗️

No more progress tracking via Excel

Delegating, mapping, quality assurence and publishing any processes takes a lot of time for process managers. Gluu helps tracking and reporting on the readiness of each process. In this way, you can easily spot processes that are falling behind and where the process is falling behind.

Explore Gluu’s Forms & Data features ↗️

Selected business benefits from using ‘Improve’

reuse, lean icon

Sustain your Lean
Go from 10% to 90% involvement in continuous improvement.

comment in process icons

Actionable frontline feedback
Input to the right person in the right context eases improvement.

collaboration icon hand

Engage employees
Feedback from frontline staff increases motivation and engagement.

teaching learning icon

Spot training needs in time
Process non-compliance shows poor instructions or staff training.

See what else
you can do
with Gluu:

Explore how Gluu helps different roles ⬇️


Process Leaders
avoid poor process
use and governance.


Quality Leaders
avoid quality systems that are separate from daily operations.


Operations Leaders
avoid reinventing the wheel.


IT Leaders
stop being unsure how
IT systems support
business processes.


avoid leaving their clients
with just a slide deck.


ERP Project Leader
Lower the risk
of ERP project failure. 

Book an intro

Our expert will help you to assess if Gluu
can solve your process problems.

or call Sales Phone +45 7230 2070

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