
How to get better data in your employee incident report

Blog / Quality management (QHSE)

Improving Employee Incident Reports for Better Data

Tor Christensen
Last updated on 13/10/2024

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Incidents come in various forms, from unexpected events to near accidents. When these situations arise, it’s key to address them properly using the best possible incident report format.

This article focuses on incident report formats that ensure better data for analysis, helping incident response teams mitigate and prevent similar occurrences.

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”

Truman Capote

Incident reports are part of incident management. Learn Why Every Company Needs an Incident Management System ↗️

Why Proper Incident Reporting Is Important

Studies by WHO indicate that in high-income countries, up to 1 in 10 patients suffer further injuries during hospital care, with roughly 50% of these incidents being preventable.

We see the problem with preventable incidents everywhere, so it is not limited to people-reated accidents but also to other areas such as cyber-security, where preventable human errors are behind many major incidents.

Our main goals are therefore twofold:

  1. Report All Incidents: Every incident or adverse event should be reported, without exception.
  2. Gather Comprehensive Data: Ensure that every report includes all available data and knowledge.

Common Issues with Incident Reporting

Zero Defects Culture: Many companies prioritize a “zero defects” culture, emphasizing quality through prevention. While this approach is valuable, it may not suit fields where innovation and development involve trial and error. It’s crucial to understand that mistakes can lead to improvement, even outside of production.

Reluctance to Report: One major issue is a reluctance to report incidents. Encouraging reporting within your organization is essential if you want to receive incident reports.

Lack of a Central Reporting Hub: Reporting can be hard if there isn’t a single place to submit incidents. Streamlining reporting prevents confusion.

Unclear Reporting Instructions: Without clear instructions, the quality of incident reports can suffer. To improve this, provide simple guides and examples for reporting.

To enhance the quality of incident reports, make reporting incidents easy. Quick reporting after an incident is key to collect knowledge for prevention.

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Key Steps to Better Employee Incident Reporting

  1. Establish an Incident Reporting System: Create a centralized system where employees can easily report incidents, ensuring clarity and transparency in the process.
  2. Provide Guidance: Offer a step-by-step guide to gather sufficient data for understanding adverse events and implementing preventive measures.
  3. Digital Reporting: Implement a digital reporting process to enhance data quality, increase reporting, and facilitate better corrective actions, ultimately reducing major incidents or accidents.
  4. Feedback and Involvement: Engage everyone in the safety, quality, or work environment of the company through the incident reporting process. Establish tasks and responsibilities, value collected information, inform stakeholders, and form incident prevention teams for analysis and action plans.

In conclusion, simplifying and optimizing incident reporting is crucial for improving data quality and preventing future incidents. By making reporting easy and involving all stakeholders, you can create a culture of safety and continuous improvement within your organization.

Three incident report format examples

Here are three examples of good incident report formats that can be used for different types of incidents:

The Basic Option

Medical incidents

Workplace safety incidents

These are just a few examples of incident report formats. The specific format used can vary depending on the organization’s needs, industry, and regulatory requirements. It’s essential to tailor the format to the type of incident being reported and ensure that all necessary information is captured accurately.

A fun exercise about a serious topic: Try filling in workplace safety incident reports for the following incidents, then do an incident root cause analysis afterwards. ⬇️


In conclusion, proper incident reporting is essential to prevent preventable incidents in various fields, including healthcare and cybersecurity. Overcoming common issues like reluctance to report and unclear instructions is crucial. Establishing a robust incident reporting system, providing guidance, using digital reporting, and involving all stakeholders are key steps to improving incident reporting. Simplifying and optimizing the process fosters a culture of safety and continuous improvement within organizations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Given the diverse nature of incidents, what specific fields can be customized in the Gluu’s incident report format?

When it comes to customizing fields in Gluu’s incident report format, a variety of options exist. Depending upon your organization’s needs and the type of incidents you might encounter, you can modify the incident reporting structure. For instance, you can include fields for incident description, location, time, individuals involved, severity of the incident, response actions taken, and any follow-up required. This tailoring allows the system to capture the most relevant information for each incident.

Does Gluu’s system provide any automated alerts or notifications for high priority cases?

Yes, Gluu’s incident reporting system does provide automated alerts or notifications for high priority cases. This is a critical feature of the system that helps ensure immediate attention and action on serious incidents. Alert parameters can be set based on the incident’s severity, type, or other custom criteria. Once triggered, these alerts can be sent via multiple channels to designated personnel or teams.

Can Gluu’s incident reporting system generate custom reports for different departments or management levels?

Yes, Gluu’s incident reporting system is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for users at all levels of an organization. Regardless of their technical acumen, users can easily report incidents, track their resolution, and view relevant reports. Administrators have the option to set permissions so that each user has access to task-relevant parts of the system. This ensures that everyone can contribute to incident management, while sensitive data remains secure.

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