

Gluu lets editors add recurring tasks to any activity in any process. This way tasks automatically show to people with the right roles.

The result is that critical tasks are not forgotten – even if someone is away.

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Take photos to document tasks

End users can takes photos with Android og Apple devices when completing tasks.


Shared task calendars

Filter to create custom task calendars for roles, departments or standards. 


Monitor task completion

Task log documents show if tasks are done in time, too late or not done.


Start and stop task progress

Users with the right role can pick and start tasks to show they are working on them. This also tracks value-adding time.


Digital forms connected with tasks

Create forms and send them with any task to capture data via Gluu’s mobile app right when work is done.


Share with users outside Gluu

Create links to share tasks with external users. This lets you involve suppliers and freelancers with ease.