

Avoid poor process
use and governance

Collaborate on making consistent processes that are easily shared. This means more usage.

You can also manage your process governance by connecting people, instructions, systems and bots. This means lower risk and fewer errors.

See how Gluu helps Business Process Leaders ⬇️

Process Manager


No more processes that are not used by employees

Gluu lets you turn process maps into simple, interactive guides for work with work instructions, assets and tasks.

This makes them relevant for employees in real work situations leading to 10x more usage and updates.

“Great software, easy to use, extremely visual and possible to build without any IT knowledge.”

Kion S., Partner

View the process map to see ‘who does what’, then click activity to see ‘how work is done’ and write a comment if you have ideas or questions.

diagram icon

Easier for employees to find the right assets

Connect processes with the right instructions, templates, links and other assets.

process icon

Map simple or
advanced with full BPMN 2.0

Create simple maps for people or advanced maps to guide IT projects.

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Align folders and process steps

Create a predefined case folder in SharePoint and ensure a 1-to-1 relationship between processes and work folders.

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Ensure the right templates are used

Align process flows and templates so the right versions are used.

reuse task icon

Let users access content in any work situation

See work instructions and complete tasks via QR codes, mobile apps, PDF guides or short links.

Each process can be managed by a separate team to increase buy-in and keep processes updated and useful over time.

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Delegate process ownership effectively

Let process owners and manage specific processes without impacting the architecture.

group icon

Empower process owners to manage bots and AI

Update automations
and AI with new
business rules just by changing the process map.

comment in process icons

Keep process owners active

Understand who is (not) keeping processes updated.

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Execute E2E process flows

Run processes as cases across functions and systems.

mobile app icon

Manage that critical tasks are done in time

Set up scheduled tasks to manage process owners.


More active
process owners

Delegate process maintenance and communications to process owners that are the real subject matter experts.

Gluu lets you do this while ensuring control and consistency across the organization, so delegation doesn’t mean loss of control.

“The best process tool that every process owner would wish for”

Anca C., Transition Manager, Oil and Energy


The end of disconnected processes, assets, bots and people

Business users connect their processes with the relevant files, bots and systems to turn them into useful guides for work.

A useful by-product are realtime asset connection maps can guide IT and improvement projects.

This means faster improvement delivery times.

Julie norlys

“Our processes have been anchored from top to bottom in the group”. Read case

Julie Jensen, Process Consultant, Norlys

As business users add processes, instructions, assets and systems, a bottom-up and real-time enterprise architecure view appears.

history icon

Inform Enterprise Architecture decisions

Full overview of process, role, asset and system connections.

QR Code Icon

Train large user numbers easier

Run onboarding and training cases to raise process awareness among employees.

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Manage multi-level process hierarchies

Organize and number processes in up to five levels for east drill-down.

reuse task icon

Update bots and AI automatically

Change bots and AI just by changing process flows.

check icon task

Monitor critical tasks

Manage that tasks are done in time with role-based task calendars.

Gluu will start a change wizard to help you decide if a version is needed and notify exactly the people that need to know.

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Automatic revision management to save time

Simple wizard ensures a closed loop from change to communcations.

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Roll-back to earlier versions

Restore earlier versions if needed and avoid any risk of delegating ownership.

add pictures in work instruction icon

Personalize employee updates for higher relevance

Update just the people that have a role in the process.

agree icon

Automate revision approvals

Set default approvers and add new approvers for each revision.


Avoid processes falling behind learning

Reviewing, approving and communicating changes takes a lot of time. This slows updates and often results in process documentation evolving slower than practice.

With Gluu process managers can manage each change automatically in a closed loop flow. Reports show that this saves 88% of the time compared with Visio and SharePoint.

“We have been able to increase revenue by 30% with the same headcount due to our digitalization with Gluu.”

Kim Larsen, CEO, VME A/S


Reduce improvement idea loss by 90%

Gluu lets you manage ideas from when they arise in the work situation, through analysis and approval and until they are finally rejected or implemented.

This shows your colleagues that their improvement ideas are valued.

Jacob Lund

“With the Gluu platform, we are able to find new improvement opportunities, as it is easier to understand and optimise our cross-functional processes from initial order taking all the way through to production.” Read case

Jakob Lund,
Factory Manager

Process users can make suggestions that go through stages of analysis, approval and implementation, handled by process editors.

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Business users engaged to keep processes updated

Let users engage in the right process context to motivate 10x higher participation.

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Support a culture of continuous improvement

Proper management of employee input in a clear flow.

organize documents icon

Clear governance around improvement suggestions

Connect suggestions and revisions in a closed loop flow for traceability.

Outcomes that Gluu helps Process Leaders to deliver

road sign work instruction icon

Lower governance risk
Delegating ownership and responsibility through all process levels makes it clear who owns what.

save time icon

Up to 90% time savings
Gluu automates the repetivive tasks of tracking and communicating changes.

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Lower human risk
Engaged business users connect processes and work practice.

Explore how Gluu helps different roles ⬇️


Process Leaders
avoid poor process
use and governance.


Quality Leaders
avoid quality systems that are separate from daily operations.


Operations Leaders
avoid reinventing the wheel.


IT Leaders
stop being unsure how
IT systems support
business processes.


avoid leaving their clients
with just a slide deck.


ERP Project Leader
Lower the risk
of ERP project failure. 

Book an intro

Our expert will help you to assess if Gluu
can solve your process problems.

or call Sales Phone +45 7230 2070

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Start running cases

Sign up for a 30-day trial.
No credit card required.