
Gluu How to create an S&OP dashboard in PowerBI using data from Gluu

Blog / Gluu webinars & news | Process technology

How to create an S&OP dashboard in PowerBI using data from Gluu

Louie A
Last updated on 29/08/2024

Gluu tracks task and case progress that shows how work progresses (or where it stops). In this webinar Tobias Rydahl from Refine Consulting will show how he created a powerful operational dashboard for Sales and Operations Planning.

Join this webinar to get inspired to…

– use PowerBI to show process bottlenecks and cycle times.
– get a standardized overview of each order in a production flow.
– connecting Gluu and PowerBI.

This is a non-technical demonstration targeted to Operations Managers.

Subscribe now to stay updated with our latest insights and strategies. Join us for the webinar to learn how to optimize your processes with Gluu and PowerBI, and master Sales and Operations Planning. Plus, catch the key takeaways afterward!

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