If you want your data to be stored in other systems, then Gluu’s API and standard integrations can do just that.
The result is a simpler way to orchestrate end-to-end processes – with no double data entry and errors.
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User based tokens let you give other systems read or write access to all your Gluu data.
Your developers can browse and select endpoints more easily via Swagger.
Use Gluu’s webhooks to trigger events and actions in your other systems.
Get notifications of selected events to Teams channels with “Gluu for teams” installed in Teams.
Automatically create case folders and save copies of files and reports to SharePoint or OneDrive.
Link to files in shared drives from work instructions and comments to avoid file duplicates.
Analyze data from multiple sources in one place with Power BI and make data-driven decisions.
Automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows across different applications and services with Power Automate.
Create custom business applications without writing code using Power Apps. Show work instructions or start cases from the app.