From paper tiger to living dialogue
In the survey company Ennova 120 employees from four countries use Gluu to make their common business processes and work instructions an integral part of daily work. Read the Managing Director’s view on why Gluu creates value for his business.
We met Ennova’s MD Claus Schmidt-Laugesen in his office in Aarhus to talk about the company’s efforts to establish a common way of working. As one of the leading providers of employee and customer surveys in the Nordic countries, it is critical to have clear processes that are followed and ensure consistency even in very advanced services.
According to Claus Schmidt-Laugesen, the challenge, before choosing of Gluu platform, was that it was hard to involve the entire organisation in business processes, and make processes and work instructions vibrant and easily accessible.
Challenge: To make processes come to life
At Ennova the work with the processes began already before 2008. Back then, the company was ISO certified. But before Gluu came into the picture, Ennova processes and work instructions lived in a static system based on SharePoint. So even if employees were technically able to access all processes and work instructions, the management system was closed off and processes absent in employees’ daily lives. Claus explains:
“We looked for a way to turn our business processes into practice, and to give all our employees the opportunity to go in and work with them. Everyone must have an opinion about them. That was what we were looking for and that is what Gluu enables.”
It was basically about ensuring a closer dialogue between the people, who are professionally responsible for how Ennova works, and the people who perform the work. According to Claus Schmidt-Laugesen, this has been achieved very well since they in 2015 selected Gluu as the platform for their business.
“Gluu supports a dialogue between users and those who have written the processes.”
After the decision was made it went fast. At Ennova it was Claus himself, who identified the need for Gluu and set the direction for more participatory process work. Initially, one manager was tasked with the responsibility for process work. His task was to create a common standard for business process work and keep the process owners active. Active top management support and a clear responsibility for implementing the management system have been important factors behind Ennovas success with processes.
Processes are now used much more
About 50% of employees in Ennova uses Gluu at least 10 times during the quarter. In addition, key employees, who work actively in the solution, use it more than 100 times in the quarter to adjust Ennova working methods. Claus puts it this way:
“We’ve got a more vibrant system, that users have increasingly embraced. It has gone from being a paper tiger into something more alive.”
In addition, it is, according to Ennova-director, with Gluu now easier to implement and communicate improvements across Ennova departments in the four Nordic countries.
“We have found a better way to announce new procedures and changes than we had before.”
Det betyder, at Ennova hurtigere kan lave forbedringer og sikre, at de bliver udført i praksis. Hos Ennova sker det ved, at procesansvarlige løbende tilretter processer og instruktioner. Alle medarbejdere med berørte roller får automatisk besked og stiller spørgsmål og kommer med kommentarer til processer og instruktioner direkte i Gluu-platformen.
Next step is more visual work instructions
Vi spurgte også ind til næste skridt hos Ennova, når det handler om brugen af Gluu. På det punkt understreger Claus indledningsvist, at der er fokus på en fortsat optimering af Ennovas processer. Rutinen omkring løbende forbedringer skal fortsætte fremad. Ennova vil også begynde at bruge flere af Gluu nye funktioner til at skabe visuelle arbejdsinstruktioner, for at gøre processer nemmere at udføre.
“I believe, that these days most people do not, to the same extent as previously, read the procedures, but would rather have it visually or on video. It will be part of the conversion, which we are going to make and which Gluu has features for.”
The three main advantages of Gluu
Claus summarises the benefits of Gluu for Ennova as…
- Far better understanding of the business processes
- More transparency and openness regarding processes
- Ability to bind employees closer to the one working with processes, so processes and work instructions will be integrated into daily life.

Ennova A/S was founded in 1988 and is today a leading Scandinavian research company with offices in Aarhus, Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm. The focus is on employee and leader surveys and customer surveys. “Fact-based advisory” helps to translate facts into action through counselling at the organisational level and of the individual manager. Clients include companies such as Shell, Falck, Grontmij and Dong Energy. Ennova is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.