Process management

Top 5 business process management software reviewed

Selecting process management software is hard. This article scores five top online process management software solutions on 27 requirements from…

6 years ago

Guide to getting your processes ready for GDPR

The new EU data regulations (GDPR) will be active as of May 25th, 2018. Find out all the details regarding…

7 years ago

Better business processes with mindfulness

Learn why investing in mindfulness in business will cultivate an environment for your organisation's processes to be improved.

7 years ago

Checking your checklists (video)

Incredible examples of checklists having huge impacts on businesses. Learn how to do it yourself fast, with our video playlist.

7 years ago

7 selected process improvement videos

What is process improvement? Why should I use it? How can I implement them it my business? Find answers in…

7 years ago

Why collaborative process mapping is the way forward

Why you need to bring everyone to the table when you begin process mapping. Rather, than waiting until your proposition…

8 years ago

Why your project is really a process (and why you should care)

Many companies invest heavily into managing their projects while ignoring their processes. But, what if most of those projects are…

8 years ago

Why creating a process architecture may keep your ship afloat

Why creating a process hierarchy may keep your business afloat. Your process hierarchy is the blueprint for your businesses success.

8 years ago

8 key ingredients for rapid process discovery

Build and integrate process hierarchies in your business! Give your employees a common language and clarify their critical business processes.

8 years ago

7 reasons process hierarchies go wrong

Building a process hierarchy is an obvious choice for any business looking to improve their efficiency. Here are 7 mistakes…

8 years ago